Çiftlerin aralarındaki ilişkiyi birebir tam isabetle belirliyor.Pro yu alın tadına varın.
Çiftlerin aralarındaki ilişkiyi birebir tam isabetle belirliyor.Pro yu alın tadına varın.
I’ve probably written a review for like two apps my whole life, but this one is worth a review, and I give it 5 Stars. Maybe it’s complete crap, but when I look at previous days, and the ‘prediction’ is spot on, it makes me think again. It really is a good app. I can’t remember if I paid for it, but after using it, I know that I would pay for it. :) -Emily
It's cool it's been pretty on point. I just wonder how it determines the calculations given
I Love the apps these guys have. I eoukd recommend them to anyone.
I like to check the app throughout the day or evening when I'm with my new crush. I was amazed at how accurate it is.
I don't know how the authors of this app are calculating all this but I find it very interesting and more right than wrong. Very nice!
It actually is accurate....love it! 😃
Reasonable predictions. More accurate than you think.
Weird... But the connections are eerily true
Hasn't been wrong (not even the tiniest bit) once! I use it everyday - because I think, "Okay, this App can't be dead on ALL the time! It HAS to be wrong at least once...but nope. I've had this App for 10 freakin' months!
I find it to be accurate & helpful....
Depending what's going on with me, I use it more. It's always interesting to see and correlate.
I love this program I love to look everyday to see what is has to say thank You.
Fun to know how compatible you are based on the signs
Simply I love it
It's okay and fun but I would like to be able to go back in the past to compare dates and percentages
I have always liked this app and it looks even better now. Maybe some truth to it? Hope so :-)
Love this app! It's so accurate to my relationship when the hearts are close but sometimes even when they start going apart were still close but i can tell a difference when it's super close were super passionate! When they go way apart we love each other still yet we are more aloof or just lay on couch and watch tv. This app is very interesting!
Gives a fairly accurate assessment of overall synastry between two people for any given day. My only request is that it would provide a few more categories.
Good app but can stress u out if u use it beyond its intended purpose!
This app gives a critical reading of different star signs how they prosper and relate to one another.
This app is so accurate as all have said below it really is useful tool
It was right. I love it!
Wish it gave more details but over all very fun
You get to watch how close you get to your lover and wait for the moment!
This app has accurate readings that have been proven time and time again. 60% of the time it works every-time..
This is an awesome tool to use when you questioning your own thoughts.
Enjoying checking in to see how the mood potential is as well as how it may unfold over the next few days. Simple, seems accurate so far. Just remember Astrology tells u the potentials happening or about to happen around us. It does not negate our free will, even if it feels that way sometimes. But it can give you the map to help you navigate the minefield, no worse for wear. When we pay attention, we learn what we need to know & are better equip to the legend on our astro-map helping us to understand the effects of the planetary influences we experience all the time.
Wish I knew how this was calculated. It is fun to check periodically however, I seem to be attracted to and by every kind of person but then I am a Gemini!
I had the free and updated to pro! It's wildly accurate and love the fact the zodiacs have three each!
I upgraded to the Pro because I liked the free version so much. For the most part it is freaky accurate! Like the future capabilities very much. It's fun!!
I tried the free version first & I updated it to Pro....Ive been following on me and a special someone and it seems like it is semi accurate with the feelings in attraction....but I dont live by this, I purley enjoy it for entertainment!
This app tells you exactly when you and another sign will be close or distant for the day as far as love goes. I had the free version but recently updated to pro because it let's you look forward days ahead. Try it out..!
Just wish there was a little bit more of an explanation.